
The Labyrinth - An Immersive Multi-Platform Puzzle Challenge

Created by Ellusion Adventure Games

A crate full of unique physical puzzles, and the story of a lost civilization. Solve the puzzles. Find the treasure. Escape the maze.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Labyrinth is Over 300% Funded! Thank You!
about 4 years ago – Sun, Jul 05, 2020 at 04:15:54 PM

Hello to all of our incredible backers! 

It has been only four short days since the Labyrinth launched on Kickstarter, and because of your support, we were able to completely fund the project in under 5 hours! Since then, we have unlocked the first (hopefully of many) stretch goal, and the project is currently over 300% funded.

We are unbelievably appreciative of the huge outpouring of support that we have received about the project in the comments forum, our social media pages, and emails over the past few days. We are so excited to bring this project to life, and look forward to building a community of puzzlers who are taking this journey with us.

The Labyrinth Puzzle Challenge would not be possible without you. Thank you all so much!

-The E.A.G. Team